How much fuel do you pay?
27 Dec 2007My friend Henry asked me to calculate on a napkin how much I spent on fuel per month. I have a greedy car, but I live close to the office. Still I was quite surprised by the number I got.

Let’s take some examples:
- You drive a modest Citroen C3 1.4 HDI (4.4l/100km). You travel 20 km to and from work every day (8000km/year).
You pay 5.28€/100km or about 35.2 €/month. - You drive an Audi A4 break TDI (5.6 l/100km). You travel 80 km to and from work every day (32000 km/year).
You pay 6.72 €/100km, or about 179.2 €/month. - You drive a BMW 750i (11.4 l/100km). You travel 50km to and from work every day (20000km/year).
You pay 13.68 €/100km, or about 228 €/month. - Big spender: you drive a Range Rover Sport (15.90 l/100km). You travel 100km back and forth.
You pay 19.08 €/100km, or 636 €/month.
OK, if you buy a RangeRover Sport, you’re not really looking at the price, but still.
How much do you spend?