Recording an interview with my parents

This is a personal project of mine: I’ve recently recorded 2 hours of interview with my parents. The purpose is to have a record of their life stories, their memories, their anecdotes, told by them. The idea came to me when I heard some friends talk about their parents, who had passed away, and how they wished they had recorded their voices, their stories, their laughter.

Using A.I. to follow and summarize news

As I’ve mentioned before, I am doing a lot of research into using A.I. to facilitate cinema advertising operations. Let me tell you about a recent experiment I did with a movie news analysis tool.

Using A.I. for video quality control

I’m doing lots of research these days on using A.I. (generative or other) in the daily operations of cinema advertising, which is my area of expertise. Let me tell you about one topic I recently explored: using artificial intelligence models to help in video quality control.

Mirroring Unifi installer scripts with Bashew and GitHub Actions

TL;DR: I decided to mirror the installation scripts for Unifi network controllers on GitHub using Bashew and GitHub Actions. Skip to the here marker to see the steps.

Fastest way to set up and manage an Mkdocs Material project

If I wouldn’t be able to control myself, I would create a new website every week. Creating a website about … any topic really, helps me structure the knowledge I have or am in the process of collecting about it. The tools to create a new website have changed through the years. There was my Blogger period, my WordPress period, my Jekyll period. And now I am in my Mkdocs period.

How not to suck at Supercharging

A recent trip to the U.K. showed me the reality of opening the Supercharger network to non-Tesla cars. I hadn’t really seen much of that in Belgium yet, but then I don’t use the Superchargers a lot when I’m close to home. The occupation rate of the stations I tried in the U.K. was higher than before (2021-2022), with anywhere from 25% to 75% of the stalls occupied by other brands. And that is not without its challenges.

Now I Can Just Print That Video

It all started with Instagram Reels showing me too many yummy cooking videos. I wanted to try some recipes out myself. But I didn’t want to have to keep my phone in the kitchen, and I didn’t want to have to keep unlocking it to see the next step. I wanted to print the recipe out, and have it on the counter while I was cooking. Wouldn’t it be cool if I could just print that video?

Learning Hungarian in an hour

In 2007 I wrote a post “Learning Bulgarian in an Hour” based on this article: How to Learn (But Not Master) Any Language in 1 Hour. Let’s see how that works out with Hungarian.

Put your (software) version in a file

I’ve started using my setver bash tool for easy semver versioning of components and projects. One of the design decisions I made back then, is that I would always have a version file in the root of my project. This file only contains the current version number. This version is also stored in the composer.json (PHP), package.json (JS) files and git tags, but I wanted a system that also works for my bash projects. In the end, it turns out that was a clever decision.

Realistic daily range of an electric vehicle

I have been driving my Tesla Model Y 2021 for almost 18 months now, and while I do not really suffer from EV Range Anxiety, I would like to nuance the official range of the Tesla Model Y LR, which is 330 miles / 533km range. That number very much feels like a theoretical maximum. It is not the number you should have in mind when you’re deciding on the next car to buy.