Making the Pixel Movie Quiz
07 May 2020Imagemagick is a command-line tool to create and modify image files. It is an essential program if you want to work with media files (just like ffmpeg and sox). I have used it very often in my career and I still discover new applications. This blog post is about one of these experiments. How few pixels does one need to recognise a familiar/known image, in this case a movie poster? I created the Pixel Movie Quiz.
Pixelized movie posters

This is a 3×3 pixel version of a movie poster. Can you guess which movie? A lot of my friends could guess this one, from just 9 pixels! Do you need some more?

Still no? Try stepping back from your screen, and squinting your eyes. Ok, I’ll give you 9 x 9 pixels, and if you still don’t recognise the poster, you probably don’t know the movie.

Yes! That beautiful saturated red and green, that is indeed the French classic Le Fabuleux Destin D’Amélie Poulain or in short Amélie (2001).

Isn’t it amazing that your brain can sometimes get enough out of 9 (3 x 3) pixels to recognise an image? It actually works a bit counterintuitive: if you want a better view, you don’t zoom in, but you have to zoom out. Let’s try some more, but keep your phone at arm’s length (if you’re on mobile) or move 4 steps away from your laptop screen.
Or if that’s too hard:
Answers: The Martian, Fight Club, Aladdin, American Beauty.
Because I enjoyed it so much to see how few pixels were enough, I automated the process, and used that to create an Instagram Pixel Movie Quiz!
My script
As I said in the beginning of this post, my main tool was ImageMagick. I use it to reduce the number of pixels, then resize it back to a bigger picture, add some smoothing and some grain. I used my bash boilerplate generator to create a wrapper script that works like this:
### Program: by
### Version: v1.1 - May 4 18:18:03 2020
### Usage: [-v] [-b] [-n] [-o <out>] [-t <tmp>]
[-c <color>] [-g <grain>] [-l <large>] [-m <median>]
[-p <pix>] [-w <width>] [-s <sub>] [-f <font>] [-d <dur>]
[-r <rate>] [-e <step>]
<action> <file> [ <...>]
### Flags, options and parameters:
-v|--verbose : [flag] more output [default: off]
-b|--bw : [flag] convert to B/W [default: off]
-n|--norm : [flag] normalize brightness [default: off]
-o|--out <val> : [optn] folder for output [default: -]
-t|--tmp <val> : [optn] folder for temp items [default: .tmp]
-c|--color <val>: [optn] reduce colors [default: -1]
-g|--grain <val>: [optn] add film grain [default: 5]
-l|--large <val>: [optn] large size in px [default: 1000]
-m|--median <val>: [optn] median filter in pixels [default: auto]
-p|--pix <val>: [optn] min resolution in px [default: 80]
-w|--width <val>: [optn] frame border width in px [default: 0]
-s|--sub <val>: [optn] subtitle
-f|--font <val>: [optn] font to use [default: GeoRegular.ttf]
-d|--dur <val>: [optn] duration (for video) [default: 2]
-r|--rate <val>: [optn] framerate for video [default: 8]
-e|--step <val>: [optn] increment per frame [default: 2]
<action> : [parameter] action to perform: image/video
<file> : [parameter] file(s) to perform on (1 or more)</pre>
I then made a second bash script (a “wrapper for the wrapper”) that makes all the right sizes for one given poster image: 5 x 5 pixels, 9 x 9 pixels, etc.
My workflow
- look for (semi-) famous movie posters
- create all the reduced pixel versions with the script I mentioned above
- choose 2 photos to use as ‘1st hint’ and ‘2nd hint’ (most of the times it’s 5×5 and then 9×9, but for really difficult ones I might start with 9×9 and use a 15×15 afterwards)
- put these 2 photos and a high resolution picture (150×150 pix) in a Buffer queue.
- the 3 images are published at 11am, 11:30am, 12:30pm and then another batch at 5pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm (so I need 2 movie posters per day)
- the pictures are published on
- they are automatically reposted (a bit later) on via ifttt.