Blogcom Antwerp – pings and comments

lichtgeraaktBlogcom in Antwerp was exactly what I had hoped it would be: an interesting mix of old acquaintances and new faces and lots of fun conversations. The event was organised by Jeroen and some 50 bloggers showed up. No speeches, but lots of mingling and chatting. We’ll have to remember that for the next Brussels blogger’s meeting.

Put the face on the blog
polskaya 7secondenblogcom 1
Now finally I know what they look like and what funny accent they have: Pol, Michael, Dries, Bart, Bruno, Kevin and Stefan. Strictly speaking it was the first time I saw Pietel in person too, but after being bombarded with his face as a terrorist and messias, he basically looked like himself but more human.

Put the blog in the reader
afvragingen kleintje kleinekeizerin
New blogs that I added to my reading list: kleinekeizerin, kleintje, tenderfeelings. Hip hip hooray for girl bloggers.

All Flickr pictures taken with Nokia N91

💬 Belgium