Pipes + SQL = Structured Web Query Language

Let’s remix 2 original observations:

In Yahoo! Pipes, what used to be a table in the relational database is now: a web page, an RSS feed, etc. The current list of sources includes: Yahoo! Search, Yahoo! Local, Fetch (RSS feeds), Google Base and Flickr. Each source can be searched or queried using either pre-defined or user-defined parameters. For example, there can be a search of all french restaurants in Chicago via Yahoo! Local. The data source and the searches can be mixed together (think emergence), using a reach set of operators. Among them is the iterator (which lets the user loop through the results), a counter and many other functions that facilitate cleaning, manipulating and recombining the information.
Yahoo! Pipes and The Web As Database via PoorButHappy

and this one:

Command line interfaces. Once that was all we had. Then they disappeared, replaced by what we thought was a great advance: GUIs. GUIs were – and still are – valuable, but they fail to scale to the demands of today’s systems. So now command line interfaces are back again, hiding under the name of search. Now you see them, now you don’t. Now you see them again. And they will get better and better with time: mark my words, that is my prediction for the future of interfaces.

Pipes + SQL = SWQL

Imagine Yahoo! Pipes had a command-line interface too:



Almosty reads like English, doesn't it?</li> 

  * There should be operators for comparing stuff, for parsing and iterating comma-separated lists (like the categories in a feed), for parsing HTML. Try to guess what the following would do: 
    <pre>FOR blogpost IN rss:http://blog.example.com/feed/ LOOP INSERT INTO links (href, title, inner_html,date) SELECT href, title, inner_html,blogpost.date FROM htmlparse(blogpost.description,"&lt;a&gt;") END LOOP

SELECT title, href as title, inner_html as description, date INTO special:output_rss FROM links </pre></ul>

Because, sometimes, a GUI is too much.
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