Web services in the console (bash) • 06 Jun 2020
I spend a lot of my day in a terminal window, and I love automating stuff with bash scripts. Sometimes those scripts need to do perform actions based on external conditions: location (country), weather, bandwidth speed …
When the API returns an image • 15 Jan 2020
I see more and more Image-Response GET APIs. With this term I mean: the API is called with a GET URL, and the response is a (JPG/PNG/GIF/WEBP/SVG) image, either directly or after a redirect. So the API can be used through a simple <img src="[IMAGE GENERATING URL"> HTML tag. Let’s call these IMGSRCAPI‘s.
There are no Flash websites • 13 Dec 2006
Never say “we have a Flash website”; there is no such thing. You might say: we have a website and it features, amongst a lot of relevant information in HTML pages, a Flash movie and/or application. You might say: we did buy a domain and we decided that a real website would be too accessible for our customers, so it only has a Flash blob on the ‘homepage’.
Storing the SQL queries in the database • 31 Mar 2006
I want to outline something I developed something like 5 years ago, and that I was kind of happy with at the time: a way of saving all SQL queries inside the database itself. The reason for writing this is that it would really fit in with all the RubyOnRails and other programming frameworks that are created these days. If someone feels like creating a component/plug-in for it, that would be so nice…
Web-based web development • 22 Mar 2006
Writing code in your browser, it’s coming this way, I tell you! Some indications:
Barcamp Brussels: May 2006 • 19 Mar 2006
Last year we organised a fairly successfull blogger’s dinner in Brussels, and now we’re gonna try something different:
next May we will have a Barcamp Brussels event.
Jakob Nielsen: design mistake #5 • 20 Oct 2005
Jakob Nielsen has published his updated Weblog Usability: The Top Ten Design Mistakes. One that I recently have tried to fix (before Jakob published his article, honestly!) is #5: “Classic Hits are Buried”.
Port redirection in Windows • 01 Jun 2004
We use port redirection/proxy often on our platforms. In the production setup, separate (Linux-based) servers take care of this, but for our development and testing environment, we need port redirection for Windows system. I generally use 2 command-line packages: