Fancy WordPress themes on Dreamhost
15 Sep 2006It used to be that when you installed WordPress on Dreamhost, you only got 3 standard themes installed. Now you get a whopping 50: 2exquisite, 534, Abstrakt3c, Almost-spring, Artsemerging, Barthelme, Blue Kino, Classic, Connections-reloaded, Craving4green, Dapit_hapon, Darknight2.0, Daydream, Default, Disconnected, Durable, Fasttrack, Fluidityrs, Fspring_widgets, Greening, Hemmednoajax, Leone, Lush, Milc3, Modern, Newzen_2.0_build_105, Nineshadesgreen, Nolimits, Ocadia, Orchids, Phoenixblue, Plaintxtblog, Pressrow, Qwilm!, Rounded-v2, Roundflow, Rusty, Shadedgrey, Simply-vic, Sirius, Stripedplus, Tbs-blue, Thirteen, Tiga, Typoxp, Unsleepable, Veryplaintxt, Vslider2, Wpandreas03, Wpglass, Wpjeriko01.
Here are some screenshots:
and more themes on