Fancy WordPress themes on Dreamhost

new WordPress themes on Dreamhost

Context-aware mobile devices

RIM, the maker of the fancy Blackberry devices, has filed a patent application for a technique that allows devices to ‘guess’ in what kind of environment they are:

Styles should not be referenced by a

(If you don’t work with HTML, this next post will be of no interest to you.)

IBC Amsterdam: bigger, better, faster

I spent Saturday with Clo at IBC 2006 (Amsterdam), an exhibition about content creation, management and delivery. As boring as that may sound, we did see some neat stuff.

More globalisation, please

A while back I bought the whole suite of Edward Tufte books: “The visual display of quantitative data“, “Envisioning Information” and “Visual Explanations“.

Barcamp Brussels is approaching!

The day is coming closer: Barcamp Brussels II on Sunday Sept 24th!!

Moldover: Live mashup DJ

Moldover: live mashup DJI wrote a post last year “REQ: Live mashup performance tool” on how much fun it would be to be able to do live mashups: mix basslines, drums, guiter riffs and vocals from different songs in real-time. I just found out via beatmixed that there is a New-York DJ that has figured out the nuts and bolts: Toto a.k.a. Moldover.

Easy web page mockup tool

I’ve just finished a tool to make web page mockups. The purpose: make a quick draft of what a web page should look like, so you can include a screen shot in an email or a specifications document. When a client describes what page layout he wants in pure text, it is easy to misunderstand what he means. E.g. “two levels of menu should be visible on each page“. Ok, you want those as a bullet list in the side bar or a breadcrumb on top? It’s easier to just show him an overview of: that block goes there, that’s what I mean with two sidebars on the right, the tags are here at the right, under the recent comments.

Intrusive Google ads on Sourceforge

Intrusive Google ads on Sourceforge
Come on, I can understand Sourceforge needs the Adsense revenue, but this is going too far. A huge 450 x 400 blue advertisement is blocking access to most download links on a Sourceforge download page, and there is no way to make it disappear, no [X] button in the top right or a “hide this” link.

Youtube for PDF: embedding documents

PDF Documents