There are no Flash websites

Never say “we have a Flash website”; there is no such thing. You might say: we have a website and it features, amongst a lot of relevant information in HTML pages, a Flash movie and/or application. You might say: we did buy a domain and we decided that a real website would be too accessible for our customers, so it only has a Flash blob on the ‘homepage’.

LeWeb3 is actually “Loic for president”

For some reason this “web” conference has been transformed into a political rally.

Off to LeWeb3

I’m leaving for Paris with Clo and Fre to attend the LeWeb3 conference. We will be joined by a whole bunch of Belgians: Bart, Kris, Maarten, Luc, Robin
2 days of networking, schmoozing and lots of good food (at least, that’s what we hope!)

Megapixel myth nuances

What’s the value of more megapixels? Is 10 megapixels better than 5? Here are some articles stating the opposite:

Digital cinema advertising and me

Najwa Nimri - Paz Vega
Those of you who have been reading this blog for a while, might have seen some posts on “digital cinema“. I have been researching the topic for more than a year now. And for a reason, of course: it seemed like the right kind of business for me, at the right moment (i.e. the really early days). And well, now I’ve actually found a way to make it into my day-time job.

Mark King plays a mean bass

Mark KingOK, this post will give away my age: I went to a Level 42 concert. For those of you born after 1980: Level 42 was quite popular between ‘81 and ‘88. They make music that can be described as funky pop. Their lead singer, Mark King, is also a bass guitar pop-n-slap virtuoso. Up til that moment, bass acrobatics could mostly be found in jazz circles: Marcus Miller, Stanley Clarke and (more recently) Victor Wooten. Mark King not only took the technique to a mainstream audience, the guy actually sang while doing amazing stuff on the bass.

The popular Canon 400D

Canon 400D

Yahoo should sell Flickr to Google

Picasa: export to Flickr

Babel: Japanese “September” remix

Babel: japanese girl
Babel” links up three stories on three continents in a clever way. Mexican director Iñárritu has probably made one of the best movies of 2006. I’m not gonna tell anything more about the plot (but girls: it features Brad Pitt and Gael García Bernal). Just go and see it!

Thalys to Amsterdam is way too slow

In 1987 it was decided that a high-speed train connection between Brussels, Paris, Amsterdam and Köln would be built. Ten years later, the Thalys train already achieves a travel time of 1h25 to Paris (over 200km/h). So the Thalys is this High-Speed-Train? Well, not always, as I experienced recently. While travelling to Paris is fast enough for daily commute, the train to Amsterdam is even slower than driving.