Babel: Japanese “September” remix

Babel: japanese girl
Babel” links up three stories on three continents in a clever way. Mexican director Iñárritu has probably made one of the best movies of 2006. I’m not gonna tell anything more about the plot (but girls: it features Brad Pitt and Gael García Bernal). Just go and see it!

Thalys to Amsterdam is way too slow

In 1987 it was decided that a high-speed train connection between Brussels, Paris, Amsterdam and Köln would be built. Ten years later, the Thalys train already achieves a travel time of 1h25 to Paris (over 200km/h). So the Thalys is this High-Speed-Train? Well, not always, as I experienced recently. While travelling to Paris is fast enough for daily commute, the train to Amsterdam is even slower than driving.

LeWeb3: a dozen Belgians in Paris


Big bazooka: XL Gaming @ Kinepolis

Kinepolis XL-GamingThat 24″ screen not big enough for you? Now you can a rent a movie theatre for a half hour to play Playstation games on the big screen in Kinepolis Brugge.

Import Excel into Google Spreadsheets

This is the first time I noticed this: an email in my Gmail with Excel attachments offers me the option to view the document in Google Spreadsheets.
Webbased Excel on Google Spreadsheets

Mobile etiquette: Caller ID

On the Internet no one knows you're a dog
photo by uncle buck

Thank you for smoking

Henny Heyndrickx, the boss of Tabaknatie, is very worried about the ruthless discrimination of smokers in Belgium. With the ban on smoking in restaurants coming into effect in less than 60 days, he wants to set up a list of ‘smoker-friendly’ restaurants. This means: restaurants that have a smoking room (* see below) installed.

Our customers are the perverts, not us

Cain Ransbottyn, de opperpooier van het InternetIn the newspaper De Morgen this weekend, there was a full page article about a successful Belgian internet entrepreneur: Cain Ransbottyn.

Brussels statistics: Atlas 2006

Kaart Brussel: namen van gemeentesThe “Observatorium voor Gezondheid en Welzijn” institute of Brussels has just published a 160-page report full of statistics and Graphics about Brussels: The 2006 Atlas. It is full of interesting data about Brussels, its internal diversity and the differences with Flanders / Wallonia.

MySpace: bulletin and other spam

MySpace spam