The last pinguin to drink coffee

Kevin Cornell is an illustrator from Philadelphia and has published his BearSkinRug sketchbook #1 on the web.

Japanese lesson in Rock ‘n Roll

Japanese Rock 'n Roll (Prodikeys)
Nothing like an enthusiastic engineer to sell a home entertainment keyboard.
A commercial for the Creative ‘Prodikeys’ product (music and ‘normal’ keyboard in one) features an archetypical Japanese sales guy teaching us how to play rock ‘n roll drums on a MIDI keyboard. This is not the best way to play drums, and he adequately proves this point.

Blogs and Wikis: how about a bliki? is awesome. Who would have thought that building a knowledge system based on voluntary contributions from just about anyone who wants to, would work?

Top Ten Smelly Celebrities

A friend told me about an off-the-record list of celebrities with unpleasant body odor, where Brad Pitt supposedly featured as #3. Some Googling later, I found out Brad has moved up to #1! Here is the list as compiled in May 2004 by Mikael Jagerbrand:

My online charmap of HTML character entities

Geeky as hell, but I need it quite often, and what better place to put it but here: the list of 250+ HTML character entities.
Handy if you would want to write σ = ¾ • ∑ ƒ(χ²) – or your name like “πετερ“

Moiano teaches Soulschool

Just bought a surprisingly good debut album: “Soulschool” by Moiano. It’s a Belgian band started by Peter Lesage, who has played the keyboards for Gabriel Rios, Flip Kowlier, Krewcial. He’s now got a band of talented musicians around him.

Imperial time units: here come the nunes

I caught an episode of Top Gear the other day. The rather excellent Jeremy Clarkson was talking about ‘driving very economically’ with a big Audi and mentioned all kinds of mpg (miles per gallon) measurements. For me, as I have lived in the metric system for all my life, conversion from ‘mpg‘ to ‘l/100km’ (liter/100 km) proved to be non-trivial. Some research revealed the following stunning data:

Swastikas drawn on woman in Paris attack

Update Aug 2004: the whole story seems to have been made up by the girl. I’ve deleted my initial reaction, that was honest, but now quite irrelevant.

Doctorow: DRM is evil

Some stuff you just know without being able to express it adequately. I hate badly designed copy-protection schemes, but I couldn’t find the right arguments to make my case without being ‘against’ artist. And then someone better informed comes along and sums it all up in a well-thought and clear presentation. That’s what happened with this speech on DRM (Digital Rights Management) by Cory Doctorow at Microsoft Research.

Fix by disabling: error 1016 in event log

Due to one of life’s mysteries, the following error shows up dozens of times per day in the event log of one of our web servers (Win2000/IIS):