A Pentium 4 is not necessarily a Pentium 4

I was throwing my DAW system together, first time I actually ‘built’ my own PC, and I thought it went kind of smooth. But my PC did not want to boot every other time. It just started beeping ee-oo-ee-oo, which indicated a CPU problem. I upgraded to the newest BIOS posted on the Aopen site, and then I got the real culprit:

No life without CURLs

If you’re a web server administrator – as I am – every now and then, someone yells at you “The site is down, fix it!”.
A tool you should always keep handy is CURL. It’s a command-line web client (multi-platform – I use it on Win2K), that allows you to see the conversation between a web server and a client (like e.g. your browser).
Let’s say if you check out a page like this: curl -I http://someserver.com/whatever, you could get

Portable audio & copy protection

Dear Record Company,

Moodlex & Ableton Live

I saw a gig some weeks ago by Moodlex: just one guy with a portable PC, mixing his music live.
It was awesome, terribly funky. I just had to know what he was using for software, that made it so easy and intuitive to do live mixing/composing.
I think there ‘s a fair chance he was using Ableton Live. I’ve downloaded the trial version and hope to test it out soon on my new DAW system.