Idea: Package Delivery 2.0

I spent last weekend at the Brussels Tango Festival, mostly taking pictures of people dancing. Because of the lack of light that is typical for tango events, I had bought a Canon 50mm f/1.8 lens online one week before. First at Pixmania, but because they couldn’t deliver fast enough (product not in stock), I cancelled and ordered at Foto Konijnenberg. I expected the package to be delivered in a couple of days. When I didn’t see any sign of delivery and the track&trace URL didn’t work, I contacted Foto Konijnenberg (very friendly and correct customer support, by the way) to ask what was happening. Apparently the transport company had been at my door twice, did however not leave any message, took the package back and at that moment no one could tell me where the package was. We’re now 2 weeks after purchase and still at the same stage: my lens is somewhere in the purgatory between vendor and buyer but the transport company (TNT/DPD) has no clue where.

Equal Pay Day

That time of the month …

Countdown to Brussels Tango Festival

Brussels Tango Festival
Thursday is the start of the Brussels Tango Festival and I’m looking forward to it. This is what my schedule looks like:

Bwards: URL overload

BwardsToo many URLs
I’d list everyone I’ve talked to yesterday, if only I could remember. Some random memories: Dramoghe is a girl, Hendrik has a beard, Sven has a nice blogless girlfriend (enchanté!), LittleQ is about my size without her shoes, Onnozelaar thought my age was 28 (thanks, but you should see me on the painting in the attic) and we ate looooooots of Crokidos!

Tonight: Bwards in Antwerp

It’s gonna take me some effort to arrive there in time, but tonight is the Bwards event in Antwerp, and I’m looking forward to it! It looks like Jeroen has created a fun party for those of us with a URL and an opinion. The place to be is Het Paleis, and here is how to get there:

100.000 Flickr views

Yesterday I reached 100.000 views on my Flickr account. Using the numbers above, that translates in almost 32 views on average for each picture. But of course, my Flickr photo collection has power law (big head/long tail) distribution. Let’s dive into the head.

Printing an MP3 on A4’s

Look wat ‘experts’ are still telling in the courtroom:

Govern yourselves accordingly

I just received the following email:

The Top 20 bloggers in Flanders

Bloggers love lists. Bloggers adore lists of bloggers, certainly when they’re featured in the said lists. I started making top 30 and 60 lists of Belgian bloggers a way back, and somewhere in Nov 2005 Bruno took over the position as ranking specialist. He has just finished making a new list based on Pagerank, Technorati backlinks, Bloglines subscribers and some other indicators. I came out #3, which proves that the bribe worked as expected.

url.rewrite for WordPress on Lighttpd

LightyThis blog now runs on a Lighttpd (Lighty) webserver instead of Apache, and this means the configuration for ‘pretty URLs’ or permalinks of WordPress doesn’t work like it used to.
(As you might have noticed, I use permalinks like /2007/02/this-is-permalink/)