Storing the SQL queries in the database

I want to outline something I developed something like 5 years ago, and that I was kind of happy with at the time: a way of saving all SQL queries inside the database itself. The reason for writing this is that it would really fit in with all the RubyOnRails and other programming frameworks that are created these days. If someone feels like creating a component/plug-in for it, that would be so nice…

Google moving into Interactive TV

Google is looking for a “Product Manager – Interactive TV”:

Size doesn’t matter

Sometimes a spam mail escapes my filters and shows up in my inbox. Last week I got a “Enlarge your …” mail with some girl’s name in the From field. I deleted it right away but subconsciously I had already read some of the content. So I went back and retrieved it from my Deleted Items just to be sure: they really talk about “enlarge a penis up to 10 cm“? (UPDATE: I read this as 10cm TOTAL length, not 10 cm EXTRA length)

First off: as a straight guy I have no practical knowledge of what average size a girl has to put up with these days. Nor am I about to disclose my own dimensions (I want women to like me for my personality). Nevertheless, 10cm or 4″ strikes me as rather short, certainly as an ideal to be reached by taking pills. For those who cannot estimate dimensions: that’s the height of a cheap Nokia phone (the 1100, say).

Google files patents for contextual wifi advertising

registration patent
Google has filed and published the following patent applications:

Moving up the feed chain

While playing with Feed43 recently (an excellent anything-to-RSS converter), I wondered: why doesn’t Feedburner do any of this stuff? It’s just a bit earlier in the RSS food chain (let’s call that the ‘feed chain’). Which of course incentivised me to put that feed chain on paper. This is the result:
RSS feed chain

Web-based web development

Writing code in your browser, it’s coming this way, I tell you! Some indications:

Barcamp Brussels: May 2006

Barcamp Brussel
Last year we organised a fairly successfull blogger’s dinner in Brussels, and now we’re gonna try something different:
next May we will have a Barcamp Brussels event.

Who knows a spam pigeon?

Don't try this at home
I wrote about the economics of spam earlier:

1969 was an inspiring year

69 Année Heroique
Russell Lichter writes the Monthly Mix Challenge blog: interesting monthly lists of songs on particular themes: e.g. titles with the word ‘hate’ in them or female drummers (that I mentioned earlier).

REQ: more “BEING SPACES” in Brussels

Anyone who often works at home is probably familiar with this: sometimes you would like to work somewhere else to finish something undisturbed, to see some people while you work instead of just the PC and the refrigerator, to have a meeting in a pleasant location, to be in another environment. I often do some work at the Recyclart or the AB Café, and almost always I’m the only nomadic worker there. Both places are cosy and have free Wifi, but they’re not real offices: there is no printer, no meeting room, no water cooler. And since I don’t pay for the accommodation, I feel obliged to order stuff. When I’m hungry, that’s OK, when I’m not, drinking 3 coffees in a row transforms my ADD into ADHD .
I would be glad to pay something between €50 to 100 per month to have a place in Brussels where I can drop by anytime, get some work done (wifi, printer, fax, meeting room, beamer) and maybe have some stimulating conversation with other people present. So when I read about “BEING SPACES”, it really struck home: