Google Toppers: pick your title carefully

Everyone with a bit of SEO (Search Engine Optimalisation) experience knows that the title of your HTML pages is crucial. But just how strong is that tiny part of your HTML? When I noticed I had become #1 for the Google query “media technology belgium” in Google (3 words I put in my blog title), I started investigating a bit further. I was first in a total of 18 million pages (according to the “of about” part in the top right of each Google results page). Could I do better than that? I could -as can be seen lower- but there are much stronger examples from other blogs.

Filling a terabyte iPod

Google: turning cash into cache

Wiki markup languages: syntax confusion

In the last couple of months I have been working with Twiki, PhpWiki, MediaWiki, WordPress and PBwiki (oh, the joys of being a freelancer). They all have their own pros and cons, but unfortunately also almost all have their own markup dialect. With markup I mean: the way you should indicate in regular text which parts should be bold/ italic/ heading/ code/ links/ …

Add yourself to the Belgian Bloggers map!

(Post in Dutch)
Een leuk initiatief van Gaetano Palermo: een kaart waar elke Belgische blogger zijn coordinaten kan op mappen. Misschien een leuke vervanging van de kaart op

Consumers digital rights

Consumer Digital Rights
The BEUC (“Bureau Européen des Unions de consommateurs” or European Consumers Organisation) has set up a web site to inform consumers on which rights they still DO have on their digital content:

It’s so cool to be anti-Web 2.0

Not only that, the very 2.0 in Web 2.0 seems carefully crafted as a way to denegrate the clueless “Web 1.0” idiots, poor children, in the same way the first round of teenagers starting dotcoms in 1999 dissed their elders with the decade’s mantra, “They just don’t get it!”
I’ll do my part. I hereby pledge never again to use the term “Web 2.0” on this blog, or to link to any article that mentions it. You’re welcome.

Wealthy Belgian Bloggers v3

Here we go again with another update:

Adam Curry goes 100% podsafe

Adam Curry, godfather of podcasting, has had an epiphany:

Folksonomy and google bombs

Folksonomy or social tagging